How To Attract Your Target Audience To Your Business Stand

Business exhibitions are a brilliant way of showcasing your business and a great way to enable you to network with prospective client. The downside of business exhibitions, unless you play it right, is that there are large numbers of people that are exhibiting at other stands or visiting the business exhibition.

This can make it tricky to attract your target audience to your business stand, let alone maintain their attention when you have got them at your stand. There are a wide variety of ways in which you can attract your audiences to your stand, but how can you make sure you attract the right audience to your business stand?

The first step in a successful business exhibition and a successful sale is all about attracting people to your stand. This doesn’t just mean on the day, but in the run up to the business exhibition too. Send out emails and newsletters to people you have met at networking events, to existing clients, past clients and potential clients to tell them that you will be at the business exhibition. Make sure you include where they can find your business stand at the exhibition, how they can book a ticket in advance and why they should come to your stand.

Research shows that only 12% of the average traffic to an exhibitors stand has been contacted by a salesperson from that company in the past year. This means that you can build on a relationship that may be in its very early stages.

This also means that 88% of traffic / footfall to your stand are brand new prospects. You may have heard of their business before, you may never have come across them before – but either way, you need to consider how you will attract these brand new prospect clients to your business stand.
Using your stand to attract mostly new customers to your business will need a thoughtful approach because you will be surrounded by so much competition. We don’t mean direct competition in the form of businesses selling the same products or services as you, but competition in the form of businesses at other stands competing for the visitors’ attention.

You need to consider ways that you can attract potential customers through an eye-catching stand design. You need to make sure that your stand very clearly shows who you are and what you do; it needs to show a clear message and a clear call to action. In fact, 83% of businesses that regularly use business exhibitions to promote their business think building and expanding their brand name is a top priority at business shows – should it be your top priority?

Take the time to speak to the organisers of the business exhibition to ensure that your business stand has optimal frontage. You need to make sure that your stand is as visible as possible and it allows for you to have more visitors at your stand at the same time. The neurologist prescribed Valium to a one-year-old child. He told me to takeit if the temperature rises above 37.4for stopping seizures and attacks of asphyxiation. In the afternoon, we gave the baby 1/4 of a pill. At first,everything was fine, butlate in the afternoon, the child became restless, or rather hyperactive. We couldn’t put him to sleep for a long time; hecried as if he was in pain. The next day, history repeated itself. Everything became good as soon as we stopped using this tranquilizer. I wish you and your children health.

Have a think about ways you can engage your target audience too. The average amount of time spent looking at stands at business exhibitions is 8.3hours so people will welcome a change of pace or scenery. Consider trying things like games and entertainment that will help to keep people at your stand for longer.