The Peterborough Biscuit Business Exhibition Countdown

The 3rd Peterborough Biscuit business exhibition takes place on Wednesday 6th February and we have put together a countdown for the event including what you should be doing at each stage to ensure that this business exhibition will be a huge success for your business.

NOW – Get that stand booked right now. Consider the size of stand you want and where you would like your stand to be so you can contact the team and get your business exhibition stand booked and paid for.

6 to 4 Months – Work out what your objectives from the business exhibition are and then obtain exhibitor manuals to help create and source your exhibit design and layout.

3 to 4 Months – Think about your exhibition stand and how it will work, what you will display and what you will be promoting. This should fall in line with your objectives. Speak to chosen suppliers and plan your printed marketing materials, goodies and giveaways.

6 to 8 Weeks – Check up on the production of display and marketing materials. Check they are all in order and correct and if they have not yet arrived chase them up. You don’t want your order to get lost in the mass of orders your supplier will soon have as the Peterborough Biscuit draws nearer. Start talking about the event on social media, on your website, through the local press and in any organisations such as Safe Local, Chamber of Commerce and FSB groups.

3 to 4 weeks – Write, email and post invitation letters to your customers past, present and future to tell them you will be at the event. This can be a chance to win back past customers, to build that relationship with existing clients and create a relationship with potential customers. That’s before you attend the event and meet loads of new businesses that you may not have come across before.

1 to 2 weeks – Do some practice set-ups and plans of your exhibition stand in the office. Make sure staff know how stands go together and are taken apart at the end of the day, have a last minute check that no obvious marketing materials are missing too. Ensure your payment system, if applicable, or ready to accept credit cards during the event.

On The Day – Conduct a pre-exhibition briefing with employees as to the aims and expected outcomes of the day. Make sure you literature is laid out correctly, that you have signed in with organisers and you have the badges and / or tickets that you need for your team. Have a great day, stay positive and engaging from the very stand to the very end!

Post Exhibition – Follow up on those leads; connect with those you met on the day and get to the forefront of their mind to help create a future relationship.